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A Peek Inside the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit – The Edgerunners Handbook

“Here, training regimen. Bare minimum you should know. No hand holding after today. If you’re serious about this, you’re going to have to push hard to keep up. And then…”

– Lucy to David, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

To know the stakes, you need to know the streets. The final book in the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit is exactly what’ll help you do that. The Edgerunner’s Handbook is the lore and setting book for what happens in the box and well…even Mike Pondsmith’s choice bits are in here!

A tip by the way, may want to read to the bottom of this article. You don’t want to miss something important.

Now if I go into detail about what’s inside, it’d spoil it all, so instead of just listing everything off, I’ll give you a good rundown. Sound good? Alright, so first off yes this is going to have all the lore you need to run the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit gig, The Jacket.

And yes, that means what happens before. You’ll get yourself a brief rundown of everything that has happened up to the point of where you are in the setting thanks to the lore within, which does contain a brief timeline covering history from 1990 all the way up to 2076. Yes, you’ll get your timeline for all the goodies in between then and now.

You’ll also get a very solid rundown of tech, including the step that took the chrome of the Time of the Red over to what it is now in the 2070s era. If it needs to be filled in, it is, in the Mission Kit. This includes Night City and its districts from Northside to Dogtown and anyone living within that you may need to know a little bit about. And yes, this is where you’ll be able to read the official backgrounds of the Edgerunners Crew from David Martinez to Dorio Gunnarsdóttir from Writer Bartosz Sztybor!

Now again this is only a taste of what’s to come for the 2070s era, you should not be expecting some giant sourcebook here. This is just the appetizer! So, of course the big question is…when does this all come out?

It comes out after the pre-order, of course. I’ll fill you all in on that later next week. What? I said to make sure to read to the bottom here.

R. Talsorian Games with a planned pre-order for a product? Well there’s a first time for everything isn’t there!

Anyway if you have questions, come visit our Discord server. We have a channel just for the discussion of the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit

See y’all next week!