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To Scott Ruggels

In Memorium

We come to the legendary Afterlife today to raise a glass to the memory of Scott Ruggels.

Founder of the original Arasaka crue and the man who once described j-pop to me as “a piercing sonic attack.” He was a good friend, great artist, a caustic and observant wit and always loyal to his friends.

His matchless artwork is all over Talsorian’s 2020 era and he helped to shape what would become the penultimate mix of urban, rap, technology and social commentary that would forevermore define the Cyberpunk franchise in all of it’s many incarnations. If you love Cyberpunk, you owe Scott a drink here in this place where the best of Night City are remembered.

So raise your glass to a Night City Legend. He will be missed by all of us.

Mike Pondsmith