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We are not seeking new writers at this time.


We are looking for artists! If you wish to be considered, please email Be sure to include a link to an online art portfolio.

6 thoughts on “Submissions Leave a comment

  1. What form would a writing submission entail? Straightforward prose or, for example, an article-style sample character biography?

    • Hello John, Either the prose or the biography would be fine. We just ask that you not send us anything you might want to use yourself. We try very hard to avoid the “They stole my work” problem, so its best that we not see anything that could cause a conflict of interest situation. Hope that makes sense.

      Lisa Pondsmit
      Business Manager, RTG

  2. Is this still the method for submitting writing submissions?
    I just want to double check before submitting anything.

  3. Hi folks, this didn’t seem to post when I tried the other day (so apologies if this is a repeat) what is the correct email address for writer submissions? Is it just the regular one off the contact page or is there a specific one that samples should be sent to?

    Thanks in advance